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The Corner Store

Quality Watkins Products for Your Home

    • Delivered right to your home

    • Unconditionally guaranteed by Watkins, Inc.
    • No Shipping Charges for Qualified Orders  (Include friends' orders with yours and save on orders over $75.00) 

To get your Watkins Online Customer ID and password, please copy my Associate's ID# 011005N to your clipboard to use when you visit the Watkins Web Site as a new Online Customer.
Then, every time you shop Watkins Online, you will also be supporting The Family Corner.

Of course, if you prefer, you can just browse first.

Thank you for visiting The Corner Store and the Watkins Web Site. Please come back soon. And, be sure to visit The Family Corner again, too.

        Thanks again,
        Jim Davis

If you're already a Watkins Online Customer, just enter here to shop.

(Your purchase will be credited to the Associate you listed when you got your Online Customer ID)

Once you get your Watkins Online ID, bookmark the Watkins Web Site in your list of favorites. Then you can either go directly there or you can come back to The Corner Store. If you got your Watkins Online ID here, you will be supporting The Family Corner either way.

Questions or comments? Let us know.



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